Humpback Whales
Humpback whales are large whale species known for its distinct body shape. With its long pectoral fins and stocky body, this animal measures a length of up to 16 meters and weighs an astonishing 36,000 kilograms.
Humpback whales belong to the baleen suborders of ceteacea as it features baleen plates instead of teeth. Their diet mostly consists of krill, shrimp, mackerel, haddock, salmon, capelin, and herring.
Humpbacks are particularly popular for its acrobatic skills, which includes breaching, logging, spyhopping, lobtailing, and slapping.
Apart from their surface behaviors, humpback whales are also well known for their whale song. A male can produce a complex “song” which usually lasts for 10 to 20 minutes. Although the reason for this whale activity is still unidentified, scientists often link this to mating.
Humpback whales can be seen in abundance in different regions. They can be observed in major oceans such as in the North Pacific and North Atlantic.
Humpback whale watching is also common in the regions of Alaska, Farallon Islands, and Mexico. It is also popular in the east coast of Long Island as well as in New England.
One can also catch this large whale specie in Brazil, specifically off Salvador in the Bahia State and Santa Catarina.